New! Soft, furry plumes are perfect for drying.
Charming, annual ornamental grass grown for its fuzzy, "bunny tail" blooms. 1 1/2–2" long oval, woolly blooms resemble a rabbit’s tail. Flowers sit well above a clump of compact, light green grass. Very easy to dry. Holds well when dried; accepts dye readily. Developing flower heads are light green, maturing creamy white to soft wheat in color. Also known as bunny tail grass and rabbit tail grass. Ht. 12–24". Avg. 51,000 seeds/oz. Packet: 100 seeds.
DAYS TO GERMINATION:10-14 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C)
SOWING:Transplant (recommended) – Sow 1/8" deep into cell trays or preferred seedling container, 5-7 weeks before last frost. Transplant outside after the last frost. Direct seed – After last frost, only in warm climates with a long growing season.
HARVEST:Fresh cut or dried – Harvest just before seed heads shed pollen and are still light-green in color. Seed heads harvested once they have shed pollen tend to shatter.
SOIL REQUIREMENTS:Average to light, porous soil.
USES:Excellent fresh cut flower. May be dried. Charming naturalistic or mixed grass plantings. Effective planted in masses, tubs, and containers.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lagurus ovatus
ALTERNATE NAMES: Bunny tail grass, rabbit tail grass
1 review for Hare’s Tail Grass – Ornamental Grass Seed