Colorful mix of large, radiant blooms.
Get started with dahlias by growing from seed, an easy and economical alternative to tubers. Under normal to optimal conditions, seeds germinate readily, and plants grow quickly. In our trials, plants bloomed mid-July through to the first hard frost. Giant Hybrid Mix produces 3-5" double, semidouble, and single blooms. Mix includes solid and bicolor blooms in shades of salmon, coral, white, light yellow, red, and lavender. NOTE: Double blooms in varieties produced from seed are generally not as fully double as those of named varieties maintained and propagated by tubers, which have been specially selected for numerous and dense petals, among other desirable traits.
• Edible Flowers: The mild-flavored flowers are a colorful garnish for use in salads, desserts, and drinks. Tubers are also edible.
Ht. 40-60". Avg. 3,100 seeds/oz. Packet: 50 seeds.
DAYS TO GERMINATION: 3-5 days at 65-70°F (18-21°C)
SOWING: Transplant (recommended) – Sow 4-5 weeks before last frost. Cover seed with growing medium and keep soil surface moist until emergence. When seedlings have true leaves, transplant into larger cell packs. To maintain healthy seedlings, do not allow plants to become root bound and do not disturb roots. Direct seed – After last frost when soil is 65–70°F/18–21°C, sow thinly, 2 seeds/ft, 1/4" deep. Cover lightly but firmly. Keep surface moist until emergence. Thin to 9-12" after first true leaves appear.
HARVEST: Before blooms are completely open.
NOTE: Plants propagated from seeds will produce tubers that can be saved, stored and planted out the following spring. In the fall, after plants have died back but before the ground freezes, cut plants back to 2-4" above the soil line and carefully dig tubers and remove excess soil. Let tubers cure for 1-3 days in warm location with some humidity, out of direct sunlight with ample air flow. Pack tubers in peat or vermiculite inside perforated plastic bags, boxes or crates.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Dahlia variabilis
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