Mini onion for bunching or pearls.
Short-day onion for growing in long-day areas to produce mini or pearl onions. Shape, size, and color are all very uniform. Seeding rate can be adjusted to get onions of desired size, or thin after seedlings are established. Best at 40º latitude and higher. Compared to Eclipse, Pompeii is a few days later to mature, with slightly smaller bulbs. Avg. 122,200 seeds/lb. Packet: 100 seeds.
CULTURE: Sow in early spring in 2-4″ wide bands or single rows 4″ apart, about 1/2″ between seeds. Cover 1/4- 1/2″. Thinning is not necessary. Keep free of weeds. As with all onions, full sun, consistent soil moisture, and a fertile soil with a pH of 6.2-6.8 are preferable.
HARVEST: Pull by the bunch whenever needed. No skin forms until 2-3 months into the season, making mini onions easy to wash and prepare.
ADAPTATION: Mini onions are smaller and earlier to bulb the further north they are grown. Suited to 40° and higher latitudes for pearl and cipollini onions, for small to medium onions at lower latitudes.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 5M/50′, 1 oz./80′, 13 oz./1,000′, 34 lb./acre at 96 seeds/ft. in 4″ wide bands, in rows 12″ apart.
SIZED SEEDS: All seeds are unsized.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: 113,700-134,300 (avg. 123,300).
PACKET: 100 seeds.
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