Take advantage of our overstock position! Similar to watercress, but easier to grow.
Slow to start but, once established, easy to grow. Long standing and slow bolting. 6–8" rosettes of dark green, glossy, rounded leaves. Similar to watercress but much easier to grow. Sometimes called "creasy greens" in the South. Avg. 22,800 seeds/oz. Packet: 250 seeds.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Lepidium sativum, Barbarea verna, Nasturtium officinale
CULTURE: Wrinkled Crinkled and Cressida Cress: sow shallowly in a 2-4" wide band, early spring through early fall or indoors, year-round, in a flat, about 20 seeds/in. Begin harvest in 7-10 days when 2" tall. Sow every 2 weeks for a steady supply. Upland Cress: direct seed from mid-spring onward, about 15 seeds/ft., 1/4" deep. Keep soil moist as the seed germinates slowly. Thin to 4-6" apart. Pick individual leaves or clip full rosettes at the root. Watercress: direct seed about ½" apart, ¼" deep. Thin to 4" apart and keep well-watered, or start seed indoors, keeping the soil moist. Transplant to large pots, cold frame, or field with soil that is fertile, humus-rich, well-limed, and has a pH around 7.0. Keep soil moist or sit pots in pans of water and renew water daily.
SEED SPECS: Wrinkled Crinkled and Cressida Cress: Avg. 11,600 seeds/oz. Upland Cress: Avg. 22,800 seeds/oz. Watercress: Avg. 133,700 seeds/oz.
PACKET: Wrinkled Crinkled and Cressida Cress: 250 seeds, sows 12 sq.in. Upland Cress: 250 seeds, sows 15′. Watercress: 250 seeds.
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