New! Our frilliest greens mix.
A colorful kaleidoscope of the frilly leaved Golden Frills, Ruby Streaks, and Scarlet Frills balanced with mustard and mizuna. A nice combination of textures, flavors, and colors and a higher proportion of both red and green, frilled leaves. Highly textured leaves provide visual interest and excellent loft. Varieties are subject to change depending upon availability. Avg. 260,000 seeds/lb. Packet: 1,000 seeds.
CULTURE: Sow about 60 seeds per foot in a 2–4" wide band, lightly cover ( 1/8"), and firm gently. Begin harvesting in about 3 weeks by clipping with scissors; most plants in the mix will re-grow. Sow every 2 weeks for a continuous supply of tender, young, mixed greens.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1000 seeds/16′, 1 oz./200′, 1 lb./3,200′ at 60 seeds per foot.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 13,750
PACKET: 1,000 seeds, sows 16′.
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