Nutritious, medicinal, and a unique Asian specialty.
A great season extension offering. For fall, winter, and spring harvest and storage. Can be overwintered in soil, much the same as parsnips. Cook like carrots. Delicious in hearty soups and bean stews. Uniform variety. Long and slender, light-brown roots. Avg. 1–2′ long x 1" thick. Avg. 35,100 seeds/lb. Packet: 100 seeds.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Arctium lappa
CULTURE: Direct seed. Burdock requires a deep, 1-2′, well-drained soil to produce quality roots. Sow anytime in spring, about 2" apart, 3/4" deep, in rows 24" apart. Thin to 2-3" apart.
HARVEST: Fall through early spring. A raised bed with removable sides enables harvesting from the side, which results in fewer broken roots.
STORAGE: Optimum storage at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity. Unwashed roots will be slower to wilt at market.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1 oz./230′, 4 1/2 oz./1,000′, 6 lb./acre at 7 seeds/ft. in rows 2′ apart.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: Avg. 35,100.
PACKET: 100 seeds, sows 14′.
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