New! Full-season (sh2) variety adapted to the South. Conventional seed with NOP-compliant Organic 1r treatment.
Tall plant and strong disease resistance. An excellent choice for growers in the southernmost latitudes of the US. Big ears look great on the farmstand, and pack plenty of sweetness. Excellent seedling vigor. Plants avg. 6 1/2–7′ tall. High resistance to common rust, northern corn leaf blight; and intermediate resistance to maize dwarf mosaic virus, and Stewart’s wilt.
About Organic 1r Seed Treatment:
New Organic 1r treatment is a biologically-derived coating that helps protect germinating seed from pathogens and improves nutrient uptake in young roots. Our trials have shown greatly improved stands in sweet corn and other crops across a broad spectrum of climates and soil types. Results may vary depending on soil and weather conditions. Most biologically-derived treatments provide the greatest benefit in soils that are intensively cropped and/or depleted. NOTE: Seed treated with Organic 1r may appear darker in color.
Avg. 2,500 seeds/lb. Packet: 150 seeds.
CULTURE: Extensive crossing of super sweet varieties with non-super sweet varieties will cause tough, starchy kernels in both types. If you plan to grow both super sweet and non-super sweet varieties, avoid cross-pollination between super sweet varieties and non-super sweet varieties using any one of the following three options: 1) Plant super sweet varieties at least 300 feet from non-super sweet varieties, or 2) Stagger plantings by a 12-day planting date difference and separate each planting by 25 feet, or 3) Plant varieties that will mature at least 12 days apart and separate each planting by 25 feet. For complete information, please read our production guide #8982, Super Sweet Corn Production. Delay sowing fungicide-treated seeds until soil temperature is at least 55-60°F/13-16°C. Untreated seeds need a minimum soil temperature of 65°F/18°C. Sow 3/4-1" deep, 6-7" apart (or 2 seeds every 9", thinning to 1 plant), rows 30-36" apart. Increase this rate for untreated seeds. Arrange in blocks of at least 4 rows for proper pollination, which is needed for well-filled ears. Successive plantings can be made through early summer; most growers prefer to extend the sweet corn season by planting a few varieties of different maturities.
INSECT PESTS: Consult your local Extension office for Integrated Pest Management information. Reduce insect pests in the next corn crop by prompt plowing-in or removal and composting of cornstalks after harvest.
HARVEST: When kernels are full and "milky," generally indicated by a drying and browning of the ear silks. Record the date on which about half the plants show silk. Corn is ready to eat 18-24 days after ear silks first show; the warmer the weather, the sooner you can pick it.
DAYS TO MATURITY: Varies widely with weather conditions and planting dates. Use these figures to compare one variety to another, not to accurately predict maturity on a given day.
AVG. SEEDING RATE: 1M/500′, 5M/2,500′, 25M/12,500′ 30M/acre at 2 seeds/ft. in rows 36" apart.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: Avg. 2,900.
PACKET: 150 seeds, sows 75′ at 2 seeds/ft.
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