Fancy mizuna with green leaves and purple veins.
Central Red produces large quantities of narrow, deeply cut leaves. Can be harvested young for baby leaf or allowed to grow to full size for bunching. Suitable for cut-and-come-again production. Avg. 167,500 seeds/lb. Packet: 250 seeds.
CULTURE: Sow from early spring through midsummer. In the south, greens are well adapted to fall plantings. For full-sized bunching, sow 15 seeds/ft., 1/4" deep in 2" wide bands in rows 18" apart. Most varieties do not require thinning. See individual product descriptions for varieties that do. Harvest before flowering. For baby leaf, sow a 2" to 4" wide band at 60 seeds/ft. Clip young leaves when 3-6" tall.
PESTS: Flea beetles are best controlled by covering with floating row covers from day of sowing.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: For bunching: 1 oz./830′, 1 lb./13,000′ at above spacing. For baby leaf: 1 oz./210′, 1 lb./3,300′ at above spacing.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 12,650.
PACKET: 250 seeds unless otherwise noted, sows 16′ full-size, 4′ baby leaf.
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