Known as “Red Callaloo” in the Caribbean.
Medium-green, oval to heart-shaped leaves are overlaid with burgundy red. Comparable to spinach in flavor. Often used in soups. Avg. 48,900 seeds/oz. Packet: 200 seeds.
CULTURE: Easy to grow. Vegetable Amaranth performs best in hot, humid weather. For full-size leaves, direct seed 12-15 seeds/ft. in warm 70°F (21°C) soil, covering 1/8- 1/4″; thin to 6″ apart. For baby leaf, sow 60 seeds/ft. in a 2-4″ band.
DISEASES AND PESTS: Prevent disease with crop rotation and sanitation.
HARVEST: Start harvesting leaves when plants are at least 1′ tall. The plants will continue to produce young, edible leaves. Pick individual leaves; pinch off terminal buds to encourage branching.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1,600’/oz., 26,000’/lb., 1.2 lb./acre at 15 seeds/ft. in rows 18″ apart.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 48,900 seeds.
PACKET: 200 seeds
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