Fast-growing mizuna with color contrast.
Glossy, bright-green leaves with contrasting purple stems and leaf veins. The delicate, serrated mizuna leaves add visual interest and mild mustard flavor to dishes. Faster-growing than our fully-red mizuna micros (Miz America and Red Kingdom). Based on our yield trial, we recommend seeding 9.5 gm per tray at approx. 3 flats per oz of seed. Avg. days to maturity was 12 days when harvested at the first true leaf (as opposed to cotyledon) stage. Nicely complements Mizuna #2883MG, our green mizuna micro, because of the attractive color combination and similar fast growth rate. Compared to Dark Purple Mizuna, which it replaced, Central Red is more uniform with darker-purple stems and leaf veins. Avg. 167,500 seeds/lb.
CULTURE: Sow from early spring through midsummer. In the south, greens are well adapted to fall plantings. For full-sized bunching, sow 15 seeds/ft., 1/4" deep in 2" wide bands in rows 18" apart. Most varieties do not require thinning. See individual product descriptions for varieties that do. Harvest before flowering. For baby leaf, sow a 2" to 4" wide band at 60 seeds/ft. Clip young leaves when 3-6" tall.
PESTS: Flea beetles are best controlled by covering with floating row covers from day of sowing.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: For bunching: 1 oz./830′, 1 lb./13,000′ at above spacing. For baby leaf: 1 oz./210′, 1 lb./3,300′ at above spacing.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/OZ.: Avg. 12,650.
PACKET: 250 seeds unless otherwise noted, sows 16′ full-size, 4′ baby leaf.
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