Organic bunching onion.
Parade has bright white shanks with no bulbing, and dark green, erect foliage. Very uniform, upright growth makes for easy harvest and cleaning. Organically grown. Avg. 209,800 seeds/lb. Packet: 200 seeds.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Allium fistulosum
CULTURE: Seed can be sown in early spring for summer use, and in July or August for fall and spring use. Bunching onions prefer a soil with a pH of 6.2–6.8. Extra-hardy varieties will normally survive the winter if the soil is well drained.
DIRECT SEEDING: Sow ¼” apart in rows of 2–3″ wide bands,¼-½” deep. Thin to about an inch apart only if large diameter is needed. Keep well cultivated so that plants receive maximum light.
TRANSPLANTING: For negi-style scallions with a thicker blanched portion, start in flats. Then, beginning in late spring, when 8–18″ tall and pencil-thick, transplant outdoors 6″ apart, rows 24″ apart in holes dibbled about 6″ deep. Only 1–2″ of leaves need extend above the soil surface. Do not firm soil — allow irrigation or rain to fill in the dibble hole.
BLANCHING: During the growing period hill the plants with soil 2 or 3 times, higher with each hoeing. This forces the leaves higher up the plant resulting in extra-long blanched stalks and a much greater edible portion. When using the “dibble method”, hilling is reduced or eliminated.
HARVEST: Loosen with fork or underminer and gather. Wash, hydrocool, and hold at near freezing until shipped or displayed.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1 oz./250′, 4 oz./1,000′, 1 lb./4,000′, 7½ lb./acre at 50 seeds/ft. in 2″ wide bands 18″ apart.
SEED SPECS: SEEDS/LB.: Avg. 150,300.
PACKET: 200 seeds
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