Beautiful red salad turnips.
These slightly flattened turnips have sweet and crisp white flesh with spicy red skin. Internal red splashes of color add to the appeal when sliced. The hairless, dark green tops have attractive red stems and can be used in salads, cooked on their own or cooked with the roots. Best when harvested at 2–3″ in diameter. Try them with Hakurei for a bunch with nice color contrast. Avg. 136,300 seeds/lb. Packet: 200 seeds.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Brassica rapa
CULTURE: Turnips are tolerant of moderate frost as seedlings in spring, and as mature plants in fall. Turnips prefer a fertile, well-drained soil, with a pH of 6.0-7.5. Sow early spring through late summer in a 2-4″ wide band, seeds 1″ apart (35 seeds/ft.) for small turnips or 2″ apart (and half this rate) for larger turnips. Sow 1/4- 1/2″ deep in rows 12-18″ apart.
INSECT PESTS: Floating row covers installed at the time of sowing will keep the turnips free of insect pests, including flea beetles and root maggots.
HARVEST: Young, radish-size turnips in about 30 days, full size in 40-50 days. Roots are smoothest when small.
STORAGE: Turnips with greens store at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity for 10-14 days. Not intended for long-term winter storage.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1 oz./320′, 3.1 oz./1,000′, 5 2/3 lb./acre at 35 seeds/ft. in rows 18″ apart.
SEED SPECS: See individual varieties.
PACKET: 200 seeds, sows 11′.
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