Our recommended sub for Scarlet Queen Red Stems.
An early red salad turnip. Compared to Scarlet Queen Red Stems, Hirosaki Red matures earlier and has a slightly rounder and spicier root. Avg. 133,000 seeds/lb. Packet: 200 seeds.
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Brassica rapa
CULTURE: Turnips are tolerant of moderate frost as seedlings in spring, and as mature plants in fall. Turnips prefer a fertile, well-drained soil, with a pH of 6.0-7.5. Sow early spring through late summer in a 2-4″ wide band, seeds 1″ apart (35 seeds/ft.) for small turnips or 2″ apart (and half this rate) for larger turnips. Sow 1/4- 1/2″ deep in rows 12-18″ apart.
INSECT PESTS: Floating row covers installed at the time of sowing will keep the turnips free of insect pests, including flea beetles and root maggots.
HARVEST: Young, radish-size turnips in about 30 days, full size in 40-50 days. Roots are smoothest when small.
STORAGE: Turnips with greens store at 32°F (0°C) and 95% relative humidity for 10-14 days. Not intended for long-term winter storage.
AVG. DIRECT SEEDING RATE: 1 oz./320′, 3.1 oz./1,000′, 5 2/3 lb./acre at 35 seeds/ft. in rows 18″ apart.
SEED SPECS: See individual varieties.
PACKET: 200 seeds, sows 11′.
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